As you may know, the Government has consulted on AI and its relationship with copyright and patents. The Government responded to the consultation and announced plans to introduce a new copyright and database exception which allows text and data mining for any purpose. I understand that, in light of concern from professionals in the creative industry, the Intellectual Property Office is holding further discussions with stakeholders and, as such, the Government is reflecting on whether to progress it in its current form.
On computer-generated works (CGW), the Government does not plan to change the law as there is no evidence at present that protection for CGW is harmful, and the use of AI is still in its early stages. On AI-devised inventions, the Government does not plan to change the patent law as most respondents identified that AI is not yet advanced enough to proceed without human intervention, however, the Government will keep this area under review.
You can read the Government's response in full online at:….
I support the Government's ambition to design a balanced approach which supports AI innovation without critically undermining value for rights holders. I understand that a Creative Industries Sector Vision is being designed to set out the Government's ambitions for the sector and I will follow developments closely.
More broadly, the UK’s intellectual property framework, which includes strong protections for performers’ rights, is consistently rated among the best in the world and I am reassured that the Government intends for this to continue. The law is kept under constant review to ensure it meets the challenges of modern technology as part of the usual policy process and as guided by the evidence.