Constituents are invited to join the local NHS and partners at the NHS Sussex Board public meeting on Wednesday 2 November at 10am . This is their third formal meeting since the organisation was established on 1 July 2022 as part of health and care changes across the country.
NHS Sussex is responsible for agreeing the strategic priorities and resource allocation for all NHS organisations in Sussex. This involves focusing on the needs of people and communities and leading the improvement of high-quality health and care services to meet those needs.
Constituents will be able to hear about the current priorities for the NHS in Sussex, with a focus on planning ahead of winter and how health and care partners will work together to make sure that people can get the help and support they need over the coming months. There will also be discussion about how health and care partners are supporting children and young people, and measures being taken to further improve care.
The agenda and the papers are now available. The meeting will be live streamed so members of the public can watch the discussion in real time. There is no need to register for the webcasts. Just visit their live-stream hub and select the relevant date to access the meeting when it begins.
If you know anyone who would be interested, but who does not have access to the internet to enable them to watch online, the meeting is being held at Wicker House in Worthing and there is limited capacity for members of the public to attend the meeting in person with sufficient advance notice. Please support them in contacting [email protected] to discuss.
Questions in relation to any agenda matters being discussed can be submitted to [email protected]. Questions made in advance (at least 48 hours) will be answered by the Board during the meeting; any questions received later than this may not be responded to during the meeting but will be answered outside the meeting. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions during the course of the meeting – details of this will be available on the NHS Sussex website.
A recording of the board meeting will be posted on the NHS Sussex website after the event
A spokesperson for NHS Sussex said:
“Our ambition is to bring more integrated and joined-up services to ensure people are receiving the best possible experience and are better supported to maintain their health throughout their lives.
“We encourage everyone to join us and see health and care leaders discuss future ways of working for the local NHS and our partner organisations to achieve better health for all in Sussex.”