Yesterday evening the Conservative MSDC Group put forward a proposal at the MSDC full council meeting to stop evening and Sunday charges and keep charges fair to the whole Mid Sussex community. It’s not been properly consulted on and I am pretty sure that would be vital component we should all expect in such a big and wide ranging change.
Mid Sussex MP Mims Davies and Kristy Adams for Mid Sussex gave their support to the MSDC opposition Conservative Councillors’ amendment to the Mid Sussex budget which had called for wide-spread and unwelcome changes to parking charges and systems in the District.
The current Liberal Democrat led Cabinet leadership brought forward various changes which would create different parking rates across the area with parking charges increasing by 30% in East Grinstead, 20% in Haywards Heath and 10% in Burgess Hill whilst also introducing a very unwelcome commencement of evening, Sunday and bank holiday charges.
The Conservative Group’s counter proposal would see a uniform 10% increase during existing hours NOT differentiating between towns and NOT extending hours.
Councillors and residents are aware that car parking provision in East Grinstead is an ongoing challenge and through their budget proposal the Conservative group has also called for a commitment to a multi storey feasibility study for Queensway car park in East Grinstead this year. The Liberal Democrat led cabinet proposals now formally introduce a differential pricing structure this year and then propose refreshing and validating the strategy next year.
The Conservative group consider this completely the wrong way round and tried constructively to avoid this.
As a vital and justifiable alternative to the current unbalanced car parking proposals, this has been submitted sufficiently in advance for the proposed amendment to be published alongside the cabinet budget proposals, therefore providing the opportunity to fully assess this very valid and balanced alternative option.
Mims Davies MP said:
The Lib Dem leadership at MSDC claimed it was too late to accept the Conservative Group’s budget proposal despite the fact they were given two weeks’ notice plus on the evening plus other spurious arguments that won’t wash with the public. I know any increase in parking charges will not be welcomed, but it is vital that any increase is as modest and fair as possible.
Mims continues:
While cost of living remains a challenge this Lib Dem Council has overseen a 10% increase in councillor allowances and so it is even more important we challenge this on behalf of residents and businesses.
In times of financial challenge previously when I was on MSDC under leadership with Cllr Wall we voted through a 5% reduction, and I have seen no such leadership from this group including a prospective parliamentary candidate who is sending out mass messages to our community raising her concerns about the cost of living and indeed her own profile, whilst proposing and now delivering a differential pricing structure and increased car parking charges, unfairly penalising people based on where they live. This is pure hypocrisy.
The Lib Dems are saying one thing in the tax payer funded leaflet sent to all households in the Mid Sussex District while doing another.
Cllr John Belsey, Leader of the Conservative Group said:
For residents who might be watching we fully object to the proposals to extend parking charges into evening, on Sundays, bank holidays and to introduce differential parking charges so that we see 30% increases to parking charges in East Grinstead, 20% increases in Haywards Heath and 10% increases in Burgess Hill including for these additional hours - so for the first time- under this Administration it will now cost a different price as well as much increased amount to park in each of our towns.
This is deeply unfortunate and we have sought to avoid this situation for residents and businesses who have not been heard in this decision.
Whilst many of us would prefer not to put up charges at all we accept in order to meet other budgetary pressures that a 10% increase across the board for existing hours is fair for this year. However, as it is currently written we consider the parking strategy is flawed in at least 4 different ways which tonight’s decisions do not address.
Email me: [email protected] and I will put forward the opposition and feedback to the Chief Executive.