I share below details received from the WSCC Project Team about the progress of the works to deliver improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure within Burgess Hill town Centre.
Update as of 22nd March 23
This remains a live project, in delivery and progress is continuing well with observation and feedback demonstrating the new signalised junction is operating well and our Signals Team continue to monitor the junction in respect to both vehicle and pedestrian movement.
Recent Week’s Works
Keymer Parade is nearing completion with the completion of the retaining wall coping and the current bolts securing the railing will be replaced with galvanised bolts and the final surfacing to the Station frontage has been laid which has allowed for the retaining barriers to be removed and the space to be fully opened up.
The parking laybys and footway improvements have are near completion in Queens Crescent.
Tree planting and sowing of a wildflower / grass seedmix through the Keymer Parade, Station Road, Queens Crescent and Queen Elizabeth Avenue have been completed which will support and encourage biodiversity and greening of the town centre and the contractors continue to spread and compact sand to secure the recently laid blocks and continue to work through early snagging items and will continue to rectify identified issues.
Work has continued through Queen Elizabeth Avenue to widen the footway to provide a safe and attractive route through this corridor and pedestrian diversions remain in place as required.
Work continues at Leylands Road / Wivelsfield Station to the west of railway bridge to Station entrance (relocation and upgrade of existing pedestrian crossing). Observation suggest the temporary traffic signals are operating as anticipated and please be aware, the temporary signals will be moved to the next phase of the Wivelsfield Station work, the area to the front of the main station entrance, next week.
Looking Forward into Next Week
Work is continuing at Wivelsfield Station to deliver pedestrian and public realm improvements between Junction Road and the Station entrance. These works require the use of temporary traffic signals for the safe movement of traffic, pedestrians and site operatives with all current planned traffic management identified on the webpages. As ever, the contract team will continue to engage with the local community to ensure access is maintained at all times. As noted above - the temporary signals will be moved to the next phase of the Wivelsfield Station work, the area to the front of the main station entrance, next week.
Work will continue at Queen Elizabeth Avenue to widen the northern footway and the contract team will continue to review snagging items and programme these in with the wider scheme delivery.
As ever, a full list of the impacted areas are detailed on our web pages, including the required traffic management to ensure safety is maintained for all highway users and site operatives - https://yourvoice.westsussex.gov.uk/bhpcp. Unless there are specific queries relating to the delivery of this project, the website will be the most efficient way of answering most queries.