Mims Davies MP was delighted to host another of her famous Spring Business Breakfasts in Burgess Hill with the focus on Hidden Gems of our area.
This Business Breakfast was kindly sponsored by Martin Haslam who is Founding Partner at Keymer Haslam & Co, 4/6 Church Road, Burgess Hill.
We are incredibly lucky to have so many independent, interesting and innovative local businesses in Mid Sussex so it made perfect sense to bring them together at the unique Upmarket 22 Emporium Café in Burgess Hill.
Attendees were greeted with 3 great speakers, a delicious choice of filled breakfast rolls, hot beverages and juice and, as always, had a great opportunity to raise their business profiles, enhance their networking circle and help grow the Mid Sussex economy.
Mims Davies MP said:
"What a brilliant morning!
I was thrilled to host another of my Business Breakfasts for local businesses across Mid Sussex to come together, network, learn from one another, and hear our brilliant speakers.
A huge thank you to all the businesses who took the time out of their busy schedules to join me this morning in Burgess Hill for my Spring Business Breakfast.
Thank you to Martin Haslam, Founding Partner at Keymer Haslam & Co for generously sponsoring the breakfast, and also to Darren from Up Market 22 for hosting us in your fantastic diner - and for keeping us fed with tasty bacon rolls!"