Tweet Mims Davies MP's survey on the threatened closure of the crucial Uckfield Hospital Surgical Unit Uckfield Hospital Survey Current Uckfield Hospital Survey Your details Leave this field blank 1.1. Are you aware the Uckfield Community Hospital’s Day Surgery Unit is being threatened with closure plans? Yes No Other… 1.2. How often have you used the Uckfield Hospital? A couple times a week Once a week A few times a month Once a month Never Emergencies Other… Enter other… 1.3. How have your experiences with Uckfield Hospital been? Excellent Very good Good Room for improvement Bad Other… Enter other… 1.4. Kamsons Pharmacy in Uckfield Hospital has also just announced plans to close, have you used this pharmacy? Yes for all my prescriptions On occasion Rarely Never Other… Enter other… 1.5. Thousands of residents have signed the petition to keep the surgical unit, have you signed it? Yes No I will now Other… Enter other… 1.6. The decision makers in this process are the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board, will you be sharing your concerns directly with them? I already have Yes I will use this link No Other… Enter other… 1.7. Would you attend a future event to save our hospitals facilities? Yes No Possibly Other… Enter other… 1.8. Future Day surgical procedures are planned to take place in Eastbourne District General Hospital, with a new unit opening in the Summer, please share any thoughts on this. 1.9. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Please do share any further views below and please type 'Yes' if you're happy for Mims to share your responses anonymously with the ICB.